Lear's Fool

Lear's fool chided the king, "Thou shouldst not have been old, till thou hadst been wise."
As we close on 40, our aim is to prod wisdom to catch up with age. We leave it to the reader to judge our success.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Another reply to Khaosx

* you want to explore sexist double standards confronting men during dating and in their relationships with women

Wouldn't be an issue if guys could just have a meeting and decide that date-rape is not, I repeat, NOT cool. No means no. Getting her drunk doesn't count. If she's so drunk that she says yes, but would say no when sober, then you fail the test. Oh yeah, preying on chicks with low self esteem is bad, m'kay? I should know.

Well said!

When we fail to police ourselves, we can expect - we need - somebody to get organized and come police us. And then we'll whine that the retaliation is over-the-top, that the "awareness" campaigns make us all look like predators, that women shouldn't lead us on and torture us that way, etc.

I tell ya, if we guys took the date-rapist out to a country road and beat the crap out of him, (A) word would get around that this nonsense won't be tolerated, and (B) women wouldn't have to demand justice. It would signal that we men are willing to take care of our end of things. And just maybe women would start doing the same.

It begins with us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put. If men made other men act like real men, women would not need to be jmpy.

Monday, March 13, 2006 9:30:00 PM  

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