Lear's Fool

Lear's fool chided the king, "Thou shouldst not have been old, till thou hadst been wise."
As we close on 40, our aim is to prod wisdom to catch up with age. We leave it to the reader to judge our success.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Khaosx chimes in

In reply to "National Center for Men (sic)", Khaosx writes:

Frankly, I have trouble taking these chumps seriously.

C'mon...we're actually having a serious discussion about a group of people who sell bumper stickers on their web site? We're engaged in a dialog about a men's advocacy group that withholds their single viable resource (a document which they claim can be admitted in "any court with jurisdiction in family matters", but also which they admit is completely irrelevant, legally speaking) for a donation?

Hello? These guys are probably selling some snake oil liver ailment cures out fo the same wagon.

I know I'm skirting most of the issues that you two have been kicking around while I've been out of town, but this list got me thinking. I think a men's advocacy group is a pretty darm good idea. But I think that we'll need to pare down their list a bit.

* you are enduring a difficult divorce

I like the idea of a resource for men going through a divorce. Even if the resource is a swift kick in the pants, it's a good idea.

* you are being forced into paternity and/or a child support obligation against your wishes

That one has to go. It's just plain stupid. Without going to some Scott Turow, Presumed Innocent, Rube Goldberg extremes, you cannot be forced into paternity. I don't know a single woman who would take the time to pull that one, and I know some downright freaky-insane women. Likewise, you cannot be "forced" into a child support obligation. You put it there, you made the baby, you own the responsibility. End of story.

"But your honor, she told me she was on the pill". Consider it an object lesson, and invest in Trojans, skippy.

* you are a victim of domestic violence

The idea of a resource group for people who have been abused (please note my deliberate omission of the phrases "Survivor of" and "Victim of") is probably a good thing for some, though my personal opinion is, as it has always been, "Come down off your personal cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it". That one stays, but we seperate those guys off in a different wing of the headquarters building, agreed?

Skipping around a bit, for organization's sake...

* you are a divorced father fighting for child custody or more time with your children

Those guys stay in the main building, they get the best resources that can be offered, and they also get a picture on the "Wall of Responsible Men, who did The Right Thing" (tm). In my opinion, that's about the best thing such an organization could provide.

* you want to escape the narrow gender (sic) role restrictions imposed on men,
* you have been hurt by a false accusation, parental alienation or employment discrimination,

I've lumped these two, because to be quite frank, I don't know what the hell they're talking about. Narrow gender role restrictions? Are you freakin' kidding me? We're men. We get to blow stuff up. I was actually going to write a serious note to tie this one up, but I couldn't come up with anything better than "WE GET TO BLOW STUFF UP".

* you want to discuss any area of men's liberation, including men in skirts or men working in non-traditional job

If it's not a kilt, you've got no business wearing it. Period.

* you want to explore sexist double standards confronting men during dating and in their relationships with women

Wouldn't be an issue if guys could just have a meeting and decide that date-rape is not, I repeat, NOT cool. No means no. Getting her drunk doesn't count. If she's so drunk that she says yes, but would say no when sober, then you fail the test. Oh yeah, preying on chicks with low self esteem is bad, m'kay? I should know.

* you suffer from the lingering effects of conscription or circumcision or any other form of sexism or violence against men

OK, seriously now. Conscription? What are they talking about? As the man said "You been freeze-dried, or doing hard time?". I'm assuming they're talking about the draft, and there hasn't been one of those in a while.

And circumcision...I don't wanna get too deep into this, but I've taken an informal poll (no pun intended) on this one. The only lingering effect of circumcision is that women aren't grossed out when the little soldier salutes.

Again, these guys are just a bunch of pansy-ass chumps. Where have all the good men gone? (Stop me before I sing that one). What happened to Gary Cooper, the strong-silent type?

We live in a world where people believe that they are entitled to feel good. There should never be a consequence attached to an action. Never any RESPONSIBILITY for an action. We should have what we want, when we want it. Someone else should take care of providing me liberty. Someone else should take care of my bastard child. Bill Gates should pay my taxes.

The sooner people get back to understanding that life just ain't fair, and as Thoreau said, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation", the sooner we'll start shifting the tectonic plates of society back to something that actually works.


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