Lear's Fool

Lear's fool chided the king, "Thou shouldst not have been old, till thou hadst been wise."
As we close on 40, our aim is to prod wisdom to catch up with age. We leave it to the reader to judge our success.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Jav again on "Men's Rights??"

Well, I don't know where these men are willing to take it. My point isn't to even get such a right passed.

The so-called Women's Lib movement is premised on the misguided notion that men and women should be equal and are equal. My point is that such a case shows them that if this were the case then law would dictate that men could abandon their children in much the same way women do with abortion. Legally, they should have that right (assuming the premise that women should be on equality with men in every way).

I'm totally with you on the merits of the case and what it means for men to do this. My point is, hold this up as a ruler of sorts. "Women, society must understand the differences between men and women and respect them. Without them, the law would be compelled to grant men the same equal right that you have, namely a writ of abortion."

I would hope such a law would NEVER come to pass. However, given women's groups propensity to use "fairness, equality, and law" to get their way, this might be a mirror to hold up and say, "Look what you're really saying."

I didn't mean to imply that I would advocate the law come to pass, rather that it's basis in fairness and supposed equality would show the danger of making everything "equal."



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